Seduce: to win over; attract

Yarn seduces me with her siren call. "Pick me! Pick me!" I am hopelessly enchanted by yarn and am delighted by the endless choices.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So you think you're a gardener?!

So once again I am going to try to grow something. Instead of flowers, I'll try some herbs. Wish me luck. The only green thumb I have is the aqua green color of my gardening gloves. The last time I tried the plants didn't last very long.
Ellie's not sure about this dirt and herb stuff.

And I even got some garden gnomes to guard the herbs.  Maybe they'll remind me when it's time to water?


Gigi said...

Well, it's not easy to grow things in that desert - green thumb or not! At least you keep trying. I have much better luck here in East Texas. Things grow 'like topsy' here -- as the saying goes -- never have been sure what or who topsy is ;).

JelliDonut said...

Oh no you don't, you Gardening Temptress! It will be a full month before I dare plant anything, so don't even TRY to get me to pull out the pots and planters. Lalala! I'm not listening!

Connie said...

Good luck to you! I hope they do well. I've never had much of a green thumb either.

Sue McPeak said...

Look At YOU! Gardner!!! I love it! Now let me see....we can trade our homegrown tomatoes for herbs. I have onions and peppers, too! Great pictures and the Gnomes are too cute! Looks like EllieMae was lots of help!

Anonymous said...

Ellie is so cute. I know how you feel regarding the green thumb. It has to be greener than mine. I have a grandmother who could make dead grass in the winter grow lush and green. I got none of that in my genes. :)

Minerva said...

Cite garden gnomes! Maybe you could teach them to do the watering!
Seriously, good luck with the herbs. I've grown basil and oregano and rosemary, but then I've killed a few crops, too...

Anonymous said...

I love using fresh herbs. The only one I have right now is basil, but I eat it every day ---sometimes right off the plant.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty garden, Susan! You surely have the design element down. I'll bet your herbs surprise you and do really well :)