Seduce: to win over; attract

Yarn seduces me with her siren call. "Pick me! Pick me!" I am hopelessly enchanted by yarn and am delighted by the endless choices.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

More Rain?

Yesterday we had a wonderful rain storm.  Wonderful in that we finally got some rain and some relief from the scorching high temperatures.

But it did rain hard enough and the ground was dry enough there was flooding in some areas of town.  Even the yards had puddles!

 We had to drain the pool twice!
I'm not complaining.  Just saying.  We had a steady rain most of the morning.

So this morning was overcast.  Dare I hope?  Yes!!! We had a 2 minutes shower.  And then 5 minutes later we had 15 shower!!  Go rain! 
Let's hope there is more rain out there for today.


Katherine said...

Cooler here in FW but no more rain. It was nice though! Before the rain it was so hot that the dogs kept bringing in straw-like dried grass on their fur. Now they are just bringing in mud. LOL I'm never satisfied!

Connie said...

How wonderful that you are finally getting caught up with the rainfall. We are doing OK here right now. We've had several rains here lately too.

SissySees said...

We had two HARD rains over the weekend that dropped well over an inch each. I hope some of it soaked in...

Nancy said...

Glad to hear that your area is getting some relief. I hope you have showers all week.

Heather said...

That's a lot of rain if you had to drain the pool twice. We had rain and storms all day Saturday that prompted flood warnings, but had no problems here.

Anonymous said...

When it rains it pours, huh? Wish we'd get some nice Summer rain....and maybe a little thunder :)